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Enterprise Security Architecture (ESA) Principles

An explanation of SABSA®’s Principles for Enterprise Security Architecture, revealing the most common client mistakes we encounter, and demonstrating how we at David Lynas Consulting use ESA Principles.

T100 – Modelling SABSA with ArchiMate

This White Paper describes how security architecture concepts can be expressed using ArchiMate 3.0, the latest version of The Open Group’s widely adopted Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling language.

W117 – TOGAF and SABSA Integration

A White Paper by The Open Group on SABSA-TOGAF Integration Working Group comprising a joint effort by The SABSA Institute and The Open Group Architecture and Security Forums.

W101 – Architecting a Secure Digital World

An introduction to SABSA for people who are new to the topic, providing a high-level overview and describing the benefits of adopting the methodology for architecting a secure digital business.