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Our process:


In 1995 David Lynas, and his associates John Sherwood and Andy Clark, devised a unique methodology to address cybersecurity issues for organisations. They saw a better, more positive way to look at security – holistically embedded in innovation. They called it SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture).

David, John and Andy authored the ‘blue book’ Enterprise Security Architecture: A Business-Driven Approach in 2005 and the field of Enterprise Security Architecture was born.

OUR expertise
in applying
the SABSA®
that deliver

DLC is proud to have built a team of unrivalled depth with decades of experience defining and leading enterprise programmes or reporting directly to Corporate CEOs and Government Ministers.

Each member of our team has a history of demonstrable success, can articulate the bigger picture, transform the enterprise conversation, engage stakeholders at every level, and deliver insightful, actionable, practical advice with value-add, and skills transfer.

DLC provides unrivalled assurance of capabilities. All of our team members are SABSA® authors, SABSA® Masters, or accredited to multi-Practitioner level with Masters in progress.


Utilisation of a structured, holistic framework empowers your enterprise with strategic insights and practical solutions, transforming cybersecurity from a siloed function into a unified, strategic asset.

  • Simplify Complexity - icon

    Deliver End-to-End & Through-life

    Deliver cybersecurity capability end-to-end and through-life

  • Enact Resilience - icon

    Create Certainty & Clarity

    Create and sustain clarity of policy, governance, and risk ownership

  • Empowered Internal Teams - icon

    Establish Common Culture & Language

    Establish a common culture and language, enabling the enterprise to collaborate, integrate, adopt, consume & implement

  • Proactive Risk Management - icon

    Capitalise Change & Agility

    Support business ambition to transform, transition and change

More Resources

Implement &
Adopt ESA
with SABSA

Learn how developing and implementing an Enterprise Security Architecture based in SABSA can transform your cybersecurity initiatives.

Learn more

Insights &

Australian Cyber Conference, 26-28 November 2024

Find us on Stand 10 at the Australian Cyber Conference 2024, 26-28 November at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

T100 – Modelling SABSA with ArchiMate

This White Paper describes how security architecture concepts can be expressed using ArchiMate 3.0, the latest version of The Open Group’s widely adopted Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling language.

Learn more - T100 – Modelling SABSA with ArchiMate

More Resources