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Our process:


In 1995 David Lynas, and his associates John Sherwood and Andy Clark, devised a unique methodology to address cybersecurity issues for organisations. They saw a better, more positive way to look at security – holistically embedded in innovation. They called it SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture).

David, John and Andy authored the ‘blue book’ Enterprise Security Architecture: A Business-Driven Approach in 2005 and the field of Enterprise Security Architecture was born.

OUR expertise
in applying
the SABSA®
that deliver

DLC is proud to have built a team of unrivalled depth with decades of experience defining and leading enterprise programmes or reporting directly to Corporate CEOs and Government Ministers.

Each member of our team has a history of demonstrable success, can articulate the bigger picture, transform the enterprise conversation, engage stakeholders at every level, and deliver insightful, actionable, practical advice with value-add, and skills transfer.

DLC provides unrivalled assurance of capabilities. All of our team members are SABSA® authors, SABSA® Masters, or accredited to multi-Practitioner level with Masters in progress.


Utilisation of a structured, holistic framework empowers your enterprise with strategic insights and practical solutions, transforming cybersecurity from a siloed function into a unified, strategic asset.

  • Simplify Complexity - icon

    Deliver End-to-End & Through-life

    Deliver cybersecurity capability end-to-end and through-life

  • Enact Resilience - icon

    Create Certainty & Clarity

    Create and sustain clarity of policy, governance, and risk ownership

  • Empowered Internal Teams - icon

    Establish Common Culture & Language

    Establish a common culture and language, enabling the enterprise to collaborate, integrate, adopt, consume & implement

  • Proactive Risk Management - icon

    Capitalise Change & Agility

    Support business ambition to transform, transition and change

More Resources

Implement &
Adopt ESA
with SABSA

Learn how developing and implementing an Enterprise Security Architecture based in SABSA can transform your cybersecurity initiatives.

Learn more

Insights &

Australian Cyber Conference, 26-28 November 2024

Find us on Stand 10 at the Australian Cyber Conference 2024, 26-28 November at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

W100 – The SABSA White Paper

An executive summary of the SABSA Method, it’s tools, techniques and concepts. White Paper from The SABSA Institute.

Learn more - W100 – The SABSA White Paper

More Resources